Online TV Services Reviews
Premium TV for PC FULL Review
As paid TV costs continue to rise, more subscribers are cutting the cord for good. Perhaps this has something to do with the shape the economy is in or Web TV is beginning to appeal to a wider audience.
Fact is there are more options available today then there were years ago, and one of them is downloading software like the Premium TV for PC Full Platinum Edition which brings your computer and Web TV together instantly.
As a result, you get tons of free Internet channels and other content delivered instantly to your computer, without installing extra hardware/equipment and paying monthly fees.
Like all Internet TV software (a.k.a. Satellite TV for PC) services out there, this one pretty much does the same thing. That’s what makes it hard sometimes to tell them apart – they tend to mirror one another.
However, in this Premium TV for PC review you’ll get a basic idea whether or not this product/service can meet your needs, and more importantly help you make a well informed decision before buying in.
First, we need to put an end to any and all myths about these products: When visiting this software merchant’s website you can read the fine print that tells you this service neither offers free premium paid TV channels nor decode or descramble signals, thus, making the software legal to use and deliver free media content to your computer.
That said, there are some things that need to be brought to your attention, concerning misleading content that you may have come across during your research on these products. Starting with Internet HDTV channels: No Internet TV software (Satellite TV for PC) service can guarantee HD picture quality on your computer.
There are some things you can do on your end to enhance the picture/video quality more such as having a very good multimedia computer, HD screen, and high Internet connection speed. Other than that, expect some blurry picture and ’choppy’ video now and then (but still watchable), as well as good to very good quality.
Although you don’t really need to purchase software for a small one-time fee to watch Internet TV on your computer, it does however speeds up the process to watching your favorite sports, movies, TV shows, and other content on your computer quickly.
Since there isn’t any free trial to test the software on your computer, the downside is paying the paying without knowing for sure whether the software actually works – which is the case with many of these products.
One work around you could consider is downloading a free trial software (see left column) for testing. This allows you to check the TV player and overall performance, including picture/video quality. In other words, you can determine how well your computer works with these products.
That way, you don’t have to pay to download Premium TV PC first and find out later it didn‘t work. Even though this software is compatible to Windows, XP, and Vista computers, there’s no guarantee it will work for every computer (due to software-to-computer incompatibility issues) – however this very rarely occurs.
Premium TV for PC FULL Review: Streamlining, Organizing & Delivering Tons of Free Web Content
This service promises to deliver 5,000+ premium channels from over 96 countries, including 1,000+ premium movies and 3,000+ local TV channels.
Frankly, if you ever used any of these products before, you’ll discover sometimes channels don’t work, they come and go, and temporary down times due to different time zones when channels are not available during the time you are ready to watch them).
Yet, this service has listed the total number of channels for each country, which is hard to believe due to issues stated previously. The good news is there are thousands of other channels available – more or less for each country.
Ideally, this software service delivers mostly English channels since the biggest market is the English language. Unfortunately, you will be stuck with many foreign channels and other free content that will be of no interest to you.
If you are bilingual, multilingual, or someone studying a new language, then the Premium Satellite TV for PC will be more beneficial. And the same is true for those who have varied interests when it comes to watching different types programs.
While the setup process is relatively simple (download, install & watch), your Internet connection will be the difference in getting good to very good quality. It is recommended that you use a broadband connection (higher the connection speed better the overall performance) for better results.
A wireless connection can work but can’t load and play channels with larger bandwidths. So the decision here is not to download any software (TV player) unless you have broadband. Otherwise, you won’t experience the best of Internet TV with a 56k modem or dial-up.
One benefit to using this product is gaining access to free content from the Web to your desktop computer, more so than connecting to a TV-set. Either way, the picture quality isn’t as good as your TV-set. That’s one of the downsides when considering these products. The good news is they can be rather helpful when traveling from place to place.
Installing the Premium TV for PC to a laptop adds another dimension to your existing TV that you never had before. Simply put, if you use your computer a lot or travel a great deal, creating a mobile (laptop) TV will no doubt suit you very well.
Having the ability to watch what you want and when you want, from any location in or out of your home might be what wins you over. For instance, you may need an extra television for the basement, while traveling, or living in a college dorm. Booting up your laptop with the Premium TV software installed could resolve a current TV issue.
Although this Premium TV for PC Review didn’t find anything significant that compares the service to Cable and Satellite, it did find however that it can offset the high monthly cost with zero cost. This means there’s more savings while enjoying the best of Internet TV when using this software to deliver free content online.
Having downloaded and tested many of these products, we know the real deal is the TV player itself which is the actual proprietary software. When opening the player you will see the streamlining, organization, and channel delivery taking effect.
You can search for channels, countries, record and download, watch in full-screen, and even come across channels that are rated by other members. The player has an easy user-friendly interface and loads and plays channels fairly quickly.
Compared to other software like it, there isn’t much to differentiate it but the service itself is reliable and provides regular channel updates that gives you quick easy access. The feature enhancements are pretty standard compared to other paid software services.
On the whole, after paying the $39.95 USD price which is pretty much the standard in today’s market, you get more channels (5,000+) than most. That’s something to consider if you like getting more bang for your bucks.
Other than that if you are expecting channels like Prism, HBO, Starz, and Cinemax or HD picture quality, the Premium TV for PC certainly isn’t for you and neither is Internet TV. But remember, no legal software out there can make your computer a HDTV or enhance better picture quality.